252-752-3458 | Your Trusted Source In Providing Reliable IT Solutions support@cpubusiness.com

Our Managed IT Solutions allow you to focus on your core business while allowing us to focus on your technology.

  • We focus on your IT, you focus on your business
  • Maximum Efficiency / Minimal Downtime
  • Proactive vs. Reactive
  • Responsive and Accountable
  • Eliminate IT stress

We take a proactive versus a reactive approach to prevent problems from happening in the first place. We work daily, weekly and monthly to ensure that you’re protected and secure, operating at a maximum efficiency with the least amount of downtime.

Our main goal is to the turnkey solution for your business’ IT needs. The sense of security and understanding that if anything related to the supported technology is needed, CPU would be responsible and accountable for it. It’s our way of taking IT away from you and curving the stress that can be involved with technology.

With our team and technology, we are able to create a managed, modern workplace that best fits your industry and business needs.


Support Agreements

Managed IT Support Agreements between CPU and client that establishes a long-term relationship with an approach to proactivity instead of reactivity regarding the client’s needs.

Network Support

  • Wired and Wireless Network Solutions
    • Maximum Performance
    • Redundancy
    • Secure

Dark Web

Monitoring software that allows for detections and correction of data mining and pesonal information exploits.


Server Support


• Efficiency

• Uptime

• Monitoring


Offsite and On-Premise Backups

  • Off-site Data Backups for Servers and workstations as an added layer of data protection and security.

Office 365

  • We can easily manage your staffs email addresses, passwords, application access and permissions.  All under one roof with Office 365 we can be efficient in additions ,changes or removal of users and settings.

Hosted & Virtual Servers

  • Secure Data Facility
  • Affordable Hosting and Virtual Server Solutions
  • Offsite to ensure integrity
  • Secure VPN Access
  • No large up-front costs


  • Cloud VOIP Phone Service through CPU that allows for ease-of-use, mobility and support

Email and Applications via Office 365 Cloud Solutions

  • Email Safety and encryption for security and compliance via electronic mail or digital file transfers is vital.  In the growing world of remote working, email communication has become more and more prevalent.
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