252-752-3458 | Your Trusted Source In Providing Reliable IT Solutions support@cpubusiness.com
image shows data backup banner from Computer Peripherals Managed IT Solutions in Greenville NC

“If you don’t have at least 2 additional copies of data, it must not be important data. CPU Managed IT Solutions in Greenville NC designs, implements and supports business backup solutions custom to your needs.”

Backups, both local and offsite, are necessary to follow some compliancy’s and regulations depending upon your industry. They are also necessary for peace of mind and allow business owners to sleep at night knowing their clients and business data is backed up daily. Local copies are good for quick backups and speedy recovery and offsite backups allow you to avoid any hazards such as water damage, fire or theft on your property.

Utilization of VEEAM backup software as a more reliable and recoverable solution to local backups and additional protection step against ransomware.  Windows Server Backups is a built-in feature for local backups but over time we’ve found it cumbersome and highly unreliable at times.  With VEEAM we have more control and reporting to ensure that what needs to be backed up is actually getting accomplished in the manner necessary to perform recovery if needed.

Image shows Veeam logo for backup software from Computer Peripherals Managed IT Solutions in Greenville NC
image shows AhSay backup software logo from Computer Peripherals Managed IT Solutions in Greenville NC

Novastor and Ahsay applications are used to back up servers and workstations offsite to Banks Data Com secure facility for added layer of data protection and security.  There is no way to escape Mother Nature or prevent natural disasters to your location or facility but there is a way to failsafe your data in this case.  Backing up your data with one of these applications to our facility ensures that no matter what state your office is in, your valuable information is still secure and unharmed.

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