252-752-3458 | Your Trusted Source In Providing Reliable IT Solutions support@cpubusiness.com
image shows email safety and security banner from Computer Peripherals Managed IT Solutions in Greenville NC

Email Safety and encryption for security and compliance via electronic mail or digital file transfers is vital.  In the growing world of remote working, email communication has become more and more prevalent.  With this, malicious entities and hackers have began focusing more on intercepting electronic mail to find bank wires, social security and accounts numbers in an effort to steal identities and for monetary gains.

image shows Bracket Encrypted Email services from Computer Peripherals Managed IT Solutions in Greenville NC

Bull Phish is an intelligent email information and education system regarding the ever-growing threat of email hacking. It’s a way for us to create a campaign to send “phishing” emails to your staff and entice them to follow through and click on items. This effort is not to reprimand or insult anyone, it’s meant to provide proper education to the people that need it and on the topics that are important. The best for of protection is knowledge.

image shows bullphish logo for email security
image shows Teramind logo for email security service from Computer Peripherals Managed IT Solutions in Greenville NC

Teramind is the perfect solution for real-time employee monitoring, activity reports, auditing and forensics. As a business owner, tracking employee’s hours, downtime and activity at work can be a taboo subject. However, with a lot of people working remotely and unmonitored it could provide added information to ensure your payed employees are earning their pay. Know what’s going on in your company!