CPU Managed IT Solutions answers the high-tech needs of Jacksonville NC’s business and government communities with certified, experience technicians providing full technology and cyber defense services.

Our staff can assist you or your business either on location or through remote desktop logins. This saves you time, money, aggravation and concern when you have a computer or computer network issue.
CPU Managed IT Solutions in Greenville, NC offers full service IT support for businesses, medical offices, law firms, schools and other professional offices.
Modern anti-virus, malware, phishing and crypto locker defenses are also available from CPU. Keeping your data safe and secure is our top priority.
Jacksonville , NC and Onslow County businesses often have trouble finding the technical skills they need to support their complex office needs, including Office 365 Email, offsite data backups or additional network storage through our virtual and dedicated servers.
Call CPU today at 252-752-3458 or write us with your questions or concerns.
In 2014, Forbes magazine ranked Jacksonville as the fifth fastest-growing small city in the United States. Demographically, Jacksonville is the youngest city in the United States with an average age of 22.8 years old, which can be attributed to the large military presence. The low age may also be in part due to the population drastically going up over the past 80 years, from a mere 783 in the 1930 census to 70,145 in the 2010 census.